For Campmeeting Chief Hosts, Pastor Tunde & Victoria Joda, there is no doubt that this has been an eventful year. A year during which among other surprises, they were hosted to a reunion evening titled The Home-Coming by a large number of men and women who styled themselves as alumni of the Voice of Faith Ministries. These were people who went through the teaching and discipleship of the man we all love to call “the coach” and are grateful for his positive impact on their lives, ministries and careers. Indeed, if there is any incontrovertible truth in the annals of church development in Nigeria, it is that there is an ex-Chapelite in leadership position in virtually every major Pentecostal/charismatic ministry in the land. I am indeed blessed to be under the spiritual tutelage of such an icon of faith. I look forward to seeing you at Campmeeting!
Are you a man or woman of faith? Have you been standing firmly on the word of God? Have you refused to join the multitude to do evil in order to prosper, choosing instead to apply only the principles of the Word of faith? And have you sometimes found yourself wondering whether it’s worth it, since evil seems to be thriving and your success seem, at best, limited? If you are, if you belong in this category of Christian, I have news for you: “don’t give up; you will receive the reward of your faith”.
Yes, the word is out. A new season has come upon the household of faith. It’s a season of great and grand reward for the man and woman of faith; a season when the seeming glitter of darkness gives way, willy-nilly, to the enduring floodlight of godly success.
No, I am not the prophet. The prophet of God, the carrier of this message is none other than Rev Dr Chris Tunde Joda, Senior Founding Pastor (with his wife, Ebun), of Voice of Faith Ministries, more widely known as Christ Chapel International Ministries. Widely acknowledged as the loudest and most consistent voice of faith in the land, Dr Joda is so fully persuaded that the message is authentic that he has themed this year’s edition of his ministry’s annual convention, Campmeeting 2008 on it.
I have had occasion to say it somewhere before, but it can bear repetition, I think. It is difficult to say which event members of Christ Chapel International Churches prepare most feverishly for, campmeeting or Christmas! And that’s only a little exaggerated. Campmeeting, which has held every year since 1987 lasts only five days, but its impact lasts the whole year on Chapelites, as we the members of the church like to be identified and non-Chapelite Christians of the faith movement who keep an annual date with the event.
This year’s meeting which opens in Lagos this Wednesday (October 22) may be described as the coming-of-age edition if you see age 21 as such. Venue is NPA (Nigerian Ports Authority) Sports Ground located at 43 Bode Thomas Street in the Surulere area of mainland Lagos. It is one of the signs of the times that the National Gymnasium Hall of the Nigeria Institute of Sports on the grounds of the National Stadium which used to have the honour of hosting this great event cannot this year. Reason: official government policy! But, as someone has put it, stadium or no stadium, we will keep a date with our destiny in God!
In the event, Campmeeting 2008 promises to be a landmark event. With more than 40 ministers of God coming from several parts of the world, it promises to live up to its billing as the faith reward season opener.
Among the ministers expected are campmeeting veteran Clyde Oliver, Senior Pastor, Maranatha Christian Center, Melbourne, Florida in the United States. Pastor Oliver, a 1981 graduate of the Overcoming Faith Bible Training Center in Fort Worth, Texas emphasizes, like the Jodas, the development to maturity of the every believer who come under his wings. Licensed and ordained with Kenneth Copeland Ministries, he is a member of the International Convention of Faith Ministries, among others
Earlier in 1979, the Lord had instructed the young Oliver to move from Richmond, VA to Fort Worth, Texas. While there he served on the staff of Kenneth Copeland Ministries for 11 years as: Tape Production Supervisor, Crusade Sales Manager, and Prayer Minister. These years were to prove foundational training ground for hands-on opportunities for mentorship, scriptural principles of faithfulness, and servanthood.
His church, Maranatha Christian Center of Melbourne, Florida opened its doors on Easter Sunday, April 15, 2001 with the vision statement as "Preparing People for the Service of the Lord"..
Among the other ministers of the word coming from abroad are Rev Mike Moore and his wife, Anne who pastor Covenant Life Church, Summerville, South Carolina, USA, Maxwell Masakona, Stanley Moniki, Bosun Oke and Olu Ojobaro all from South Africa.
From the home-front are a number of widely-acclaimed anointed ministers of the word of faith: Rev Dr Lekan Babatunde, a campmeeting veteran from Ibadan, Dr John Idowu from Akure, and Rev Poju Oyemade, Pastor, Covenant Christian Centre, Lagos.
Two song ministers make their encore at Campmeeting 2008, after the very profound impact they made on the congregation last year: Bobby Connors who runs a music ministry in the United States and Christine Joda, a lawyer in whose vein the gospel blood runs being daughter of Dr and Rev Mrs Tunde Joda.
ArtistDirect website has this to say about Connors: “Bobby Connors is a man of integrity and passion with a strong conviction and servant's heart…He does not imitate Christian Artistry, but delivers purity in worship and praise. He has been chosen for such a time as this, with an anointing that can best be described as "different". There is an old saying, "You can not lead others where you have not been." Bobby Connors has definitely been there. Bobby Connors is a unique and talented artist that gives a new definition to the words "gifted & anointed"! Bobby's music reflects a mighty move of God in his life and music ministry.”
Christine Joda has been described as “an authoritative, singing sensation with a strong unique voice, and a stage presence that is not only engaging but is one that emphasises a passion for God’s presence and for music. She is an up and coming singer, songwriter and at the age of 19 she has already sung some of her own songs which have blessed the hearts of many.”
She is an award winning song minister who was chosen to represent her university in the singing category of the annual battle of the universities’ talent competition where out of twelve contestants from other universities, she emerged the overall winner singing gospel. That was in February 2005. one month later, also ministering a gospel song, she took first place out of eight contestants in the Millennium Artistic Platform (MAP) showcase in Waltham Forest for which an article was featured in the local newspaper. In May 2005, she was a finalist in the UK’s annual gospel newcomer’s competition. In November 2005, she also took first place in the Ilford ‘Mall Stars’ a secular competition which she won singing a worship song. Christine is a truly godly example to her generation, ministering to both Christians and unbelievers with a true fervor for God.
Campmeeting 2008 is not restricted to Lagos. As has been the practice in the last several years, Abuja, Port Harcourt, Calabar, Ibadan Abeokuta are among major cities in the Federal Republic that will receive the same visitation. London will follow four days after the Nigerian edition closes on Sunday, October 26.
For Campmeeting Chief Hosts, Pastor Tunde & Victoria Joda, there is no doubt that this has been an eventful year. A year during which among other surprises, they were hosted to a reunion evening titled The Home-Coming by a large number of men and women who styled themselves as alumni of the Voice of Faith Ministries. These were people who went through the teaching and discipleship of the man we all love to call “the coach” and are grateful for his positive impact on their lives, ministries and careers. Indeed, if there is any incontrovertible truth in the annals of church development in Nigeria, it is that there is an ex-Chapelite in leadership position in virtually every major Pentecostal/charismatic ministry in the land. I am indeed blessed to be under the spiritual tutelage of such an icon of faith. I look forward to seeing you at Campmeeting!