I am writing this on Wednesday, February 24, 2010, one of the most dramatic dates yet in the unfolding drama you might title as “Till Death Do Us Part.” The day’s episode ran in part like this: “Yar’Adua returns to Nigeria under cover of darkness in an air ambulance, heads for a clinic (NTA); EXCOF meeting fails to hold; up to about 11 am Yar’Adua’s body guards were in charge in and around the Council chamber with a security detail guarding the president’s chair probably to ensure that nobody sits on it (NEXT); SSS officers ransack office of the Vice-President (1:30pm); Jonathan holds a meeting of Executive Council of the Federation, not in Council Chamber but privately (2pm); Yar’Adua’s spokesman Olusegun Adeniyi issues a statement declaring that “while the President completes his recuperation, Vice President Jonathan will continue to oversee the affairs of state" (2:04pm); It was announced that Acting President Goodluck Jonathan would meet with First Lady Turai Yar’Adua this evening (2:48pm)…”
Of course, you would have watched many more episodes by the time you read this. And perhaps my conclusions would either have been validated or rubbished. But I shall not shy away from stating it all the same. Wednesday marked the coronation of a new acting President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, in the person of the ice-cool, Hajia Tura’i Yar’Adua. It remains to be seen how long this will last, but make no mistake about it, there are those not averse to the prospects of a Tura’i presidency, defacto and dejure. If you doubt that, please read this extract from an interview with the controversial kite-flier, Dr Godwin Dabo Adzuana, who, these days, likes to be styled as chairman of the Benue state Council of Elders:
“After almost 60 years of independence, Nigeria has got to a stage where we can have a woman president. Secondly, when that man assumed duty, everybody thought she would be the docile kind of Northern woman. But this woman, within a very short time, took control of her office and you can see. The other day, I watched her on television in South Africa and everybody was beaming on her instead of the husband. Again, she was in Europe. I have not met her since she became the First Lady. She comes out with the impression that this is a woman that is in charge of the mechanics of control in the Presidency. Thirdly, Mrs. Yar’Adua has never made a promise to anybody and failed. Anybody who has cried to her and said Madam, I need your support, if she says yes she will support you, that person comes out being supported instantly… That woman is in control and when she talks, you see her radiate with confidence. She will be a better representative of the Yar’Adua family dynasty at this stage than the husband.”
But before you think I am deviating from the headline and therefore the focus of this piece, let me assure you, our eyes are still on the ball. Apart from the fact that the on-going drama is one of the direct harbingers of the communiqué under consideration, the events of February 24 and matters arising from them make the challenges thrown by the communiqué very urgent. And two of the statements issued that dramatic day bring into bold relief, the place of the church and its continuous failure to take that place.
Let’s take the statement by Yar’Adua’s spokesman, Olusegun Adeniyi first. It reads in part: “After being discharged by the team of medical experts overseeing his treatment in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, President Umaru Musa Yar’Adua returned to the Presidential Villa, Abuja early this morning (Wednesday). President Yar’Adua wishes to express his profound gratitude to all Nigerians for their prayers for his recovery, their exceptional generosity of spirit and their appreciation of the fact that all mortals are subject to the vagaries of ill-health…President Yar’Adua wishes to re-assure all Nigerians that on account of their unceasing prayers and by the special grace of God, his health has greatly improved…However, while the President completes his recuperation, Vice President Jonathan will continue to oversee the affairs of state” (emphasis added).
Now take a look at those emphases: prayers for his recovery…exceptional generosity of spirit… account of their unceasing prayers … by the special grace of God. They all admit to recognition of the place of faith and the spiritual, not just, in the private affairs of individuals, but also in our nation. It is therefore a cue, if any were required, for the Church, which in my opinion, represents the ultimate in faith and the spiritual and was in the forefront of the “unceasing prayers” to weigh in with godly counsel to the dramatis personae. I may yet be proven wrong, but if past record is anything to go by, none will come. And if it did, it would most probably the usual platitude. I sure would be joyful, were I to prove wrong, by the time you read this.
But consider, on the other hand, the proactive and immediate response of other stakeholders, including, the political parties, civil societies and even a foreign government like the United States of America. In fact, it is believed in very informed circles that the statement by Johnnie Carson, Under Secretary of State on African Affairs, influenced the direction of events last Wednesday!
In a classic case of telling truth to power, the statement said: “…We hope that his health is sufficient to enable him to fully resume his official duties…Nigeria needs a strong, healthy, and effective leader to ensure the stability of the country and to manage Nigeria's many political, economic, and security challenges. Recent reports, however, continue to suggest that President Yar'Adua's health remains fragile and that he may still be unable to fulfil the demands of his office.
Nigeria is an extraordinarily important country to its friends and partners, and all of those in positions of responsibility should put the health of the President and the best interests of the country and people of Nigeria above personal ambition or gain…”
This is exactly the kind of role the Church is expected to play and must aspire to play henceforth. So, when the CCFN communiqué concluded that: “… the Church must lead in the transformation of our nation, its leaders lead with integrity, honesty of purpose, and speak out forcefully against the ills of country’s leaders…,” it is absolutely spot-on. (CONTINUES)