Sunday, 26 October 2014


I was at a conference in Newport Beach, California recently. Organised by Kingdom Global Ministries, KGM, the ministry founded by veteran global mentor of men, Rev Dr Larry Titus and run alongside his wife, Devi, it is a two-yearly event that draws ministry leaders from all parts of the globe. As the name suggests, among the major objectives of the conference is to afford men and women laboring in love in diverse departments of God’s vineyard the opportunity to connect with one another and leave God to do whatever he wills in the process. 

This is however not my World Connect 2014 report. That will come someday, perhaps, if the Lord leads. What reminded me of the conference is a piece I read during the week just gone by. Written by Bro Dayo Adeyemi of Catalyst Christian Men Network, it was titled Men are the Issues or Bringbackourmen NOT Bringbackourgirls.

Reading him reminded me of the enthusiastic endorsement of that truth by visitors to the Kingdom Men table at World Connect. As each person told us about their assignments, their vision and the successes they had achieved, we would nod in approval, congratulate them and then ask if the problems they are working hard to solve would exist or be of the magnitude it is, if men were really men as God called them to be. Usually, there was a pause and then,come, “no, of course not”.  

That was Kingdom Men’s  message at our Mega Summit 2014 earlier in the year here in Lagos; it was our  message at World Connect; it is the quintessence of our ministry

Here, very slightly edited  for space, is what Bro Dayo wrote: 

“Girls were kidnapped. Women were hysterical. Mothers were crying. First Lady was acting. The world was watching. Six months later, tears are still rolling. God has not changed. He possibly has nearly 2 billion people to deal with than a mere 250 something girls from one hell of a religious nation tucked away in a forgotten corner of the map. 

“It’s not about the girls. It’s beyond the first lady. No woman can bring back our girls. They can do all the cries and the dramas and the magic. It’s about the men. Where men are men, girls don’t get missing. They prime their wives and protect their daughters. There is no difference between the men who kidnapped the girls and the men who politicise the kidnapping of the girls. They both have one agenda! What is in it for me? Both want power. The girls are just the commodity by which both sides trade off their ego. Men are the issues.

“Men have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit and malice. They are gossips, slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant and boastful; they invent ways of doing evil; …. they not only continue to do these very things but also approve of those who practice them. - Romans 1:28-32

“You may not be an insurgent but you are a ‘boko haram’ or ‘ISIL’ in your home, work and in the church. You inflict violence, murder and certain death by lack of compassion. You pay for the next abortion, lure the next girl, steal the next money or carry out evil acts. How do we know a ‘boko haram’? What he wants is what he wants! The feelings of the next person do not matter. He is utterly or subtly wicked and he knows it.

“How do we bring the men back? Men must return to the altar, the place of repentance, not eldership in the church, not politics with God. Men must ‘cease to do evil, learn to do good; seek justice, correct oppression; bring justice to the fatherless, plead the widow's cause’.

“Men have only one place to turn to. You can be in Eden and yet be out of touch with God. You can be in power and be as hardened as Pharaoh! You can be wealthy and be as proud as the rich fool. Men all over the ages have egos, huge egos that blinded their rationalities and rationalises their criminalities. Whether in church or in power, men compete, men kill, men make compassion second option, men’s heart are desperately wicked. It’s all about me, money and more me. 

‘The love of Christ wipes wickedness from the heart of men. When men come to the knowledge of Christ, then righteousness, justice and compassion flow. Yield your heart to Christ today and become the Catalyst that will not only bring back our girls but will restore sanity to our nation…”

Thanks Bro Dayo. And thank God for voices like yours. Incidentally, KMEN, the ministry I have the privilege of chief stewarding is launching a major new initiative reflected in the headline to this piece.


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